Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cooking with Jamie

I thought I would share a super easy but extra tasty dinner with you this week. I've cooked it twice now and both times it's been a success. Over the holidays I decided it was time to start cooking from my ever growing cookbook collection, as most things I cook are from magazines (or packets...eeek) It is from Jamie Oliver's book "Cook With Jamie" and it is:
Roasted Chicken breast with creamy butternut Squash (pumpkin in Australia) and chilli's

Ingredients per chicken breast:
 half a fresh red chilli de-seeded and sliced
leaves of a few sprigs of Oregano
a quarter of butternut pumpkin thinly sliced
a small amount of double cream 

toss together red chilli and oregano over chicken breast
place chicken breast in an over proof container on foil
place pumpkin around the edge of the chicken 
carefully pour double cream on pumpkin without getting the chicken
sprinkle with nutmeg, salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil

Jamie says to cook on 200 degrees Celsius for 25-35 minutes but my oven is old and takes at least 50. Maybe fan-forced would be quicker

Enjoy it really is tasty and Easy!

Wedding Wednesday

For today's wedding post I thought I would share a whole heap of images I have found via pinterest. I'm really like the idea of giving my bridesmaids a theme colour and letting them pick their own dress. I think all these girl below look fantastic. Who knows though by the time I actually get around to asking them I'll probably have another idea. 

Image links 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

What do you think of different bridesmaid styles?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10 Years

Happy Anniversary Toby
Life has been so much better with you in it.
I love you so much! 


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wedding Wednesday.

So as I mentioned earlier this month Toby proposed and we are getting married. I have no idea on the logistics of anything yet, (the date, where, church/not church, wedding party, colours, theme, we can't even decide when to have an engagement party etc) but am finding the world wide web constantly inspiring. So I thought (since it's Wednesday today) I would share ideas and inspirations for weddings I have found online on, you guessed it Wednesday's. Today I am going to share a wedding I found via etsy way back when....... 

I love how they did a whole lot of DIY for their wedding which I will most definitely be doing. You should go and watch their wedding video it's such a beautiful wedding and I especially love the song Golriz walked down the isle to by The Cinematic Orchestra called "to build a home".

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


A couple of months ago my old dell laptop died. I had luckily recently brought an external hard drive and had backed up all of my photo's. I was however really disappointed that I didn't have access to websites with photos that I had saved in  my favourites (I wish I couold remember them all). To prevent this from happening I decided to set up a pinterest account. You can look at my pins here . I haven't pinned alot but you'll get the idea. You can search other people pins as well it's very inspiring. 
I'll leave you with a pin from my wedding idea's board 

I re-pinned it but its originally from here, that's the best bit about pinterest you can go back to where the image is originally from. 

Do you pin? If so what is your name so I can find you? 

My weekend in instagrams

I just had the biggest whirlwind of a weekend I thought instagrams would describe it best.

A day at the races, breakfast with friends, a new hair do, lunch and cardigan shopping with my boy, opening engagements cards (and early gifts) rugby union with chocolate spiders and Willow. It was a great weekend. How was your weekend?

Thursday, October 13, 2011


A few months ago I came across this image of bow-ties via once wed (yes I'm a avid wedding blog reader and have been for quite some time, pre-engagment sad I know a girl can dream right?)

and I instantly fell in love with the turquoise floral one. They are made by Forage and I'm majorly regretting not buying one for Toby (who's to say he'd even wear a bow tie I'm dreaming again) They also have a cool blog to called Something's hiding in there.

Anyway the fabric later popped up in a magazine I was reading then I eventually found an etsy seller who sold it so I quickly purchased some from her.

The fabric arrived today and is called betsy! How cute is that. I'm going to get now that's gorgeous to turn the lovely fabric into some new cushions for me, similar to the ones I brought off her in September.

 Hopefully I'll have some left over for a bow-tie ;)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Blog's of Note

I have spent the majority of this weekend indoors and spent even more time online reading blogs. It' funny I have so many favourites that I follow religiously but sometimes I have a real run on with finding new ones and this weekend has been one of those. I've found 10 new ones that I'm really liking. 

image above from Claire's daughter Eulalie's nursery

They include:

Hope you enjoy them as much as I do

Flourless Chocolate Cake

Over the school holiday I did a little baking. A teacher I worked with a few years ago made this cake and gave me the recipe and I've been meaning to make it since so being the holidays I thought it was the perfect opportunity to do so. 

400g melted, but not hot butter
250g (1 1/4 cups) caster sugar
8 eggs, separated
400g dark chocolate (60-70 percent cocoa), melted (I used qadbury old gold, it was the cheapest)
250g almond meal

you'll also need a 26cm springform cake tine (I used a 20cm one but didn't put in all the cake mix)

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Whip the butter and sugar together until creamy looking, then beat in the egg yolks and whip well. Beat in the melted chocolate, then fold in the almond meal.

Beat the egg whites until they get peaks that are fairly firm but not completely stiff. A good indicator is that the whites wont slide easily from the bowl when it's tilted. Fold them into the chocolate mix gently, using a quarter of the whites first to lighten the batter, then folding in the remainder until combined evenly.

scrape the mixture into the cake tin and bake in the middle of the oven for about 40-50 minutes (my oven is old and crappy so I baked it for an hour) Testing with a skewer to see if it is cooked. The skewer wont come out completely clean, but the mixture that sticks to it wont be runny either.

It's a fudgy cake, and undercooking isn't the worst thing.
 My cake didn't stay the same as in the picture above it sunk majorly in the middle but that was the best bit it was ultra moist and delicious.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I said Yes

October 1st now goes down as one of the best days of my life because Toby gave me this

and asked me to marry him! Of course I said Yes! 

He chose it all by himself and I think he did an excellent job I'm in-love with it!

He proposed at home, so it was a complete surprise, only 3 weeks before out 10 year anniversary. 

Toby I love you with all my heart and cannot wait to spend the rest of our years together xoxo
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