Thursday, November 24, 2011


(image via pinterest)

In honour of america's Thanksgiving I thought today I would write
random list of little things i'm thankful for today:
(as seen on Taza's Blog)

cloudy apple juice
the rain
christmas carols 
messages that say <3 you
san cisco's "awkward" 
gluten free brownies
the colour turquoise
indy & meeko (poor wet pups this week)
cozy home
a good book

what are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wedding Wednesday

What better thing to share on Wedding Wednesday than our friends Nat and Jonny's wedding which we have just returned from over the weekend. It was a beautiful event and I couldn't be happier for the gorgeous couple. The wedding was held at pepper's anchorage at Nelsons bay and the weather was perfect!

The beautiful Bride and her Dad

 The Ceremony. The bridesmaids dresses were all the same colour but each chose their design

Toby and I

 Nat and Jon (jonny mid blink)

 We got to spend some quality time with our niece Willow (isn't she growing up)


 Lot's of dancing into the evening

It was a great wedding. A real celebration of two people that are truly happy together. I got to help with a few things as well like making the table seating chart and writing out place settings, which was a nice way to be included in their special day. 

Have a good honeymoon guys


Toby and I returned from a weekend away yesterday (from our friends wedding will post tomorrow). I went back to work today but was absolutely stuffed. I even had a nanna nap this afternoon. We had a really nice weekend and are now on the countdown to christmas (32 sleeps incase you are wondering) we have a very busy month ahead but I'm really in the spirit 

How was your weekend?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wedding Wednesday

Today for Wedding Wednesday I wanted to feature a beautifully styled, backyard, surprise wedding. It is the wedding of Amy Moss and her husband she has a fantastic blog called Eat Drink Chic. They surprised everyone at their engagement party with a civil wedding ceremony.

Amy wore her mother's 30 year old wedding dress. The wedding was in Melbourne and my favourite part was the Flowers (credits go to Melanie from Cecilia Fox)  You can read more about the styling and all the details on Amy's Blog.

Aren't the flower arrangements gorgeous. Something even more special they had scones and jam as the wedding cake. I really like the idea of surprise weddings! 
In saying that I am not planning on having one, (clearly it wouldn't be a surprise now) but there just seems to be something so special about them, and it brings it back to what marriage is all about (to me) celebrating your marriage with the most important people in your life in your own way. Have you been to a surprise wedding?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

DIY Christmas wool Wreath

I've been admiring yarn wreath's on Etsy for quite some time and have wanted to have a go at making one myself. As it is the season I headed to spotlight for some supplies and found a perfect styrofoam wreath for $7. 

I chose some red, green and white wool that matches the colours of our Christmas tree decorations. The first loop I tied at the back to stop it form moving around. I marked out where I was to change colours and kept winding, round and round and round.

When changing each colour I just knotted the wool to the last colour it was quite easy. Just took some time. I thought it looked a little bit naked so added some bunting.

You can read how I make bunting here. I also added some olive green leave's brought from Caramelos from etsy. Do you know any great Christmas DIY's? link them in my comments. Now it's time to make one for Mum's house 
(p.s Toby won't let me hang it up till the 1st)

Saturday, November 12, 2011


You HAVE to go and see the Outpost Project! It is a must do before December 11 (when it closes) I was absolutely blown away by the amazing works that were on Cockatoo island! 
heres a sneak peek at a few of the works but honestly they do not do it justice.

The size of some of the works blew me away! especially Vexta's (the girl diving/swimming) i walked away feeling so inspired and amazed by the whole thing. The bus was being sprayed while we were there so it started blank and turned out amazing, its very interactive watching works being created. There is an exhibition from a private collection held in the event as well with numerous Banksy works which were great to get up close to! There was also lots of activities for little ones so I think its very kid friendly (minus the swearing above) and the best bit about the day was that I got to spend it with my dear uni friends who are also art teachers and were equally amazed. We headed to the opening of the Picasso exhibition on at the Art gallery of NSW soon after. It was impressive, lots of works through different periods of his life, he was a very versatile artist. Exhausting day but well worth the trip to sydney! DO IT! 

Monday, November 7, 2011

My little secret

It's not a secret anymore after I posted it on instagram but I loooove christmas so much (i'd have my tree up now if Toby let me) that I start to watch christmas movies in November. Not everyday but maybe one a week. I actually think I like the lead up to Christmas then the day itself. Just all the hype and excitement and catching up with all sorts of people its so lovely! My sister said it was too early but i'll wait for the carols and for the tree (and our fairy lights as well I guess)
so Sunday nights christmas was "It's a wonderful Life" with James Stewart and Donna Reed it's a real feel good movie and a nice one to start the season off with

The clip below is my favourite part of the movie

What's your favourite Christmas movie? I have quite a few

A trip to the park

Have I told you that my sister has a sweet little family? Last week they all came over for dinner (mum and my little sister too) since i'd got home later then I thought we set off for a walk to my local park while Toby was finishing off dinner. This is how we walked there

Isn't Blair precious! the girls (and us) swung on the swings and explored the equipment, Blair even braved going down the slippery dip alone. Nothing scares that kid.

Look at her little toes....

and Millie's face <3 sheer concentration. And this is how we walked home (my shoulders got a rest)

They make me want one of my own (Not yet though) I'm happy to just share these guys at the moment.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


It's Sunday afternoon and I've just woken up from a much needed afternoon nap! This weekend has been go go go! It started with a quick trip to Olive tree markets to buy gifts for the weekends events (and some jam for myself) then I was straight off to a baby shower where I smelled nappies filled with different flavours of chocolate. I then went to a 40th at a Beer festival and it was crazy hot so I didn't last long, then time to get ready for Jen and Mark's engagement, so off to newcastle we went for a sneaky bbq beforehand then the party began.

The very happy couple :)
it was such a wonderful night, catching up with the best of friends and some old friends that we hadn't seen in quite some time

This morning we woke up early with blurry heads and headed home before bookclub and a christening. It was the busiest weekend I can remember, and i'm honestly pooped out! 
Did anyone else have a super busy weekend? we are busy now right up to xmas luckily not this busy though. I think i'll be in bed early tonight.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wedding Wednesday

I have been engaged for 1 month now and still have no plans (which I'm ok with) I would like to start planning our engagement party though. I'm thinking it will now be in February as the months are disappearing (how is it November already?) Anyway todays wedding post is about Dessert tables, not necessarily your typical sweets buffet (which I also love) but a dessert table. Toby mentioned this to me quite some time ago as he doesn't see the value in paying a whole lot of money for a cake! (and he doesn't overlly like wedding cake). But instead buying say, 5-10 of your favourite cakes from a bakery, cake shop or patisserie. I thought it was a different idea but when I started to research on pinterest, they seem to be quite popular. Here's a few I like (some have wedding cakes on them but you get the gist)

Image Links 1,  2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7

Do you think it's wrong to not have a traditional wedding cake?

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